Every "yeah but..." is a story. Every "I can't because..." is a story. Anytime you have to explain yourself or justify a reason for not doing the thing you're called to do, you are hanging on to an ol... ...more
Breathwork ,Emotional Health Transformation &Self-Care
August 15, 2023•2 min read
Are you looking for a way to boost your mindset, elevate your mood, and tap into your inner power? Breathwork could be the answer. Breathwork is a healing technique that uses your breath to help you r... ...more
Breathwork ,Transformation Self-Care &Holistic Health
March 03, 2023•4 min read
What does the word Self-Love mean to you? Just sit with the word and notice how it feels in your body. Is there resistance? That’s why I made you this very special breathwork meditation to help you ca... ...more
Breathwork ,Emotional Health Transformation &Self-Care
May 12, 2022•2 min read
Over the past few years, I’ve enjoyed choosing a word for the new year that i want to embrace and embody. Rather than making New Years Resolutions, I simply choose a word that would be representative ... ...more
Breathwork ,Emotional Health &Transformation
January 19, 2022•3 min read
Have you ever set intentions for a particular area of your life? In the video below, I share with you the power of setting intentions, how to do it, and why you want to incorporate this practice in yo... ...more
Transformation ,Self-Care &Holistic Health
September 28, 2021•2 min read
This 10-minute breathwork meditation will help you shift from feeling unworthy and not enough to feeling abundant, worthy, and deserving of the highest and greatest good in your life. ...more
Breathwork ,Emotional Health Transformation &Self-Care
July 31, 2021•1 min read