How to Protect Yourself from Harmful EMF’s, 5G, and Radiation

The Dangers of EMF's and How to Protect Yourself

July 16, 20245 min read

Have you ever wondered about those invisible waves around us, coming from our Wi-Fi routers, power lines, cell towers, and cell phones? These are called EMFs (Electromagnetic Fields). Studies suggest that exposure to EMFs could be linked to sleep issues, anxiety, nervous system dysregulation, headaches, cancer, and more. 

Plus anything that is dysregulating the nervous system and potentially damaging your cells is also speeding up aging. Over-exposure to harmful EMF’s and radiation has a negative impact on longevity. 

Given that this is the world of technology we now live in, how can you protect yourself and your family from these potentially harmful frequencies?

Here are a few known side effects of chronic EMF exposure:

  • Headaches

  • Nervousness/Anxiousness

  • Tiredness

  • Sleeping problems

  • Digestion problems

  • Weakens immunity

  • Negative impacts to sperm, fertility, and fetus development

My Tips for Reducing EMF Exposure

I have some effective strategies to keep EMF exposure to a minimum. And the devices I use and recommend are backed by science because I’m all about the research! 

But first, some things you can do immediate that cost nothing:

  1. Place electronics in spots that reduce your proximity to where you spend the most time. For instance, keeping routers away from bedrooms 

  2. Turn off your wifi at night (you can do this by hooking up a timer). 

  3. Put your phone in airplane mode at night.

  4. Go outside barefoot and ground in the earth. This helps you absorb the earth’s natural (native) frequencies which your body loves!

I also use a variety of EMF-shielding technology to support my nervous system, my mood, and my sleep.

Here, I’m sharing my favorites with you that I use on the daily.

Aries Tech

Aires Tech EMF Protection

This brand really is the gold standard, and I’ve been using their products for 10 years!! I’ve recommended their products to so many of my friends. Aires Tech is the only patented, proven effective EMF solution that can be validated in real-time by EEG brain maps in addition to peer-reviewed studies, clinical trials, and over 20 years of research and development.

They have a variety of products to choose from that block and neutralize EMFs, radiation, and 5G. I have their LifeTune One on all of my devices. You simply stick it on all of your electronics (phone, computer, TV, etc) and you’re good to go. I  also have the Lifetune Zone which is designed to protect a larger space. It offers protection for up to 93 feet in diameter. I keep it in my bedroom and I travel everywhere with it!!

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Somavedic EMF Protection

Somavedic is a beautiful, hand-blown glass device that is designed on the principle of controlled release of energy from precious and semi-precious stones. Creating a coherent field covering more than 2,800+ square feet.

They have several models to choose from. I have the Vedic, which not only puts a protective bubble around my entire home, but also structures my drinking water!!!

Somavedic has been shown to lower free radicals in the body, improve the body's natural regeneration process, improve sleep quality, improve the bioavailability of water (better hydration). Plus, you'll likely find that your plants grow better and they are healthier. And your pets will gravitate toward your Somavedic device.

Users of Somavedic (including myself) often experience:

  • Improved sleep

  • More energy during the day

  • Better concentration and focus

  • Improved Hydration

  • Reduced stress and anxiety

  • Fewer headaches

  • Enhanced physical recovery

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How EMF Protection Can Boost Your Health

EMFs come from all sorts of places, like power lines and cell phones. While some argue they're harmless, others suggest that constant exposure might mess with our biological processes. Here are a few possible effects of chronic EMF exposure:

  • Stress Response: EMFs might trigger our body's stress response, upping cortisol levels and potentially messing with our sleep and mood.

  • Sleep Disruption: Some studies link high EMF exposure with trouble falling or staying asleep.

  • Headaches and Fatigue: A number of people report headaches and fatigue after being around EMF sources for a long time.

  • Decreased Athletic Performance: Even some pro athletes say EMF exposure impacts their performance.

Since EMFs are everywhere these days, it's a good idea to look at your habits to minimize exposure. Try powering down your Wi-Fi at night and using wired connections when you can. I recommend hooking your wifi up to a timer so it turns off at night.

On-the-Go EMF Protection

If you're looking for portable EMF protection, check out Aires Tech. They offer lightweight, stylish, and discreet devices that are easy to use and effective at shielding against EMF radiation.

Your body is your temple, and you want to make sure that your gadgets aren’t undoing all your hard work to stay healthy. Explore the brands above to see how they can help you elevate your lifestyle.

Common Questions About EMF Exposure

Can EMF exposure affect my health?

Yes, it can. While the extent of its effects is still being researched, some studies suggest prolonged high-level EMF exposure might lead to issues like sleep disturbances, headaches, and possibly even an increased risk of certain cancers.

What are some effective ways to protect myself from EMF?

Here are a few tips:

  1. Use wired devices instead of wireless ones when you can.

  2. Keep smartphones and laptops away from your body.

  3. Turn off Wi-Fi routers at night.

  4. Use EMF protection devices and materials that block or alter the effects of EMFs.

  5. Maintain a healthy distance from appliances and devices that emit high levels of EMF.

Remember, small changes can make a big difference in reducing your EMF exposure!

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