$197.00 USD

Uproot Anxiety

Join the self-paced online course to release the grip of anxiety and reclaim your power and freedom!

  • Intention Setting Practices to get clear on your desired results
  • Guided breathwork to cease anxiety and regulate your nervous system
  • Guided breathwork to reprogram the subconscious mind for healing
  • Simple breathing techniques to use in the moment of stress and anxiety triggers.
  • Journal prompts to shift thoughts, beliefs, and elevate your mood.
  • Learn how to rise out of victim consciousness into manifestor consciousness.

No refunds on online courses.  

What People Are Saying:

Jen Broyles is an incredible SOMA breathwork guide. Her meditations and breathwork facilitation are transformative. I've also appreciated her recommendations for using essential oils. I highly recommend Jen for people who want to go deeper into a breathwork practice.

Marian Knopp, Asheville, NC

Jen goes above and beyond in supporting me in educating me on how to use essential oils and make recommendations that work! I am a member of her website that supports me with essential oil use and breathwork. After participating in her breathwork sessions after one is over I feel renewed and transformed! - Jerry Garrison, Dallas, TX

Jerry Garrison, Dallas, TX

After just one session I have had a prolonged feeling of self assurance and grounding that I have not felt in years. The physical portion of the session makes you feel great and I had interesting out of body visualizations that left me feeling connected to the universal source. I highly recommend Jen and her Breathwork class. I can't wait to take another one! - Tiffany Sutton

Tiffany Sutton

Jen's guided breathwork is AMAZING! Working with her has allowed me to get deep into my body and release blockages that had me feeling heavy and out of sorts. I always leave a session feeling grounded and at peace, and as if my body is clear and ready for life. I highly recommend it!

Dr. Nikki Cohen, San Diego, CA